Synology configuration for Transmission

If you have issues installing the package from the Package Center and get an error saying port 9091 is in use, do the following by SSHing into your Synology NAS.
sudo servicetool --remove-configure-file --package
Then try to reinstall. If you get another error, then do the following:
sudo rm /usr/local/etc/services.d/
The application should install and update appropriately.

The configuration location for the Transmission settings.json file is located here:
There is another location, but this is NOT the correct location: /volume1/@appstore/transmission/var/settings.json
This location is just the original file which is not modified.
To make changes to the correct file, you need to edit /volume1/@appdata/transmission/settings.json
I use vi to edit the files, but others use nano.
sudo vi /volume1/@appdata/transmission/settings.json

*** A word of note, make sure you STOP the service before making changes to the settings.json file. ***
If Tranmission is runnining, the file will change and possibly override your settings. Do the following to make sure your settings are saved.
1. Stop Transmission and then edit the settings.json file.
2. Save the file
3. Start up Transmission and your new settings should be updated Hopefully this will help someone else who's had issues.

I was having permission issues using docker and I think I know why.
When I installed Transmission from the Synology Package center it renamed some of my accounts.
I had created a sc-transmission group. The package installer renamed it to sc-transmission__PKG_
Notice it has two underscores __ then PKG and then another underscore. __PKG_
I bet this is why I was getting permissions issues, but who knows, this is a very odd group which Tranmission created. The good news is Transmission works.

If you want to review the Transmission logs you run this command:
sudo tail -f /volume1/@appdata/transmission/transmission.log
To make it easier to view the logs try this:
ln -s /volume1/@appdata/transmission/transmission.log transmission.log

You could alias it as well by adding it to your .bashrc file and then: source .bashrc, but that's making this slightly more advanced for normal users.

For a bonus you can run the following command to update the web UI to give you slighly more options.
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo bash

You will now have a newer updated UI and if you want to change back you have the option to revert